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Magento Purchase Approval Workflow

Included with the 2.4 release of Magento Commerce is an enhanced purchase order (PO) approval process. This allows for the implementation of PO workflow processes that can be designed around speeding up B2B purchases.

The 'Purchase Approval' workflow is included in Magento 2.4.0. It provided new workflow functionality specifically designed with B2B business goals in mind. This will allow B2B buying companies to configure approval processes that cater to their day to day business needs.

PO workflows can be readily set up by editing a simple form in the user's registered store account.

How to Configure ‘Purchase Approval Order Workflow’ in Magento 2.4.0

  • Users can define the approval workflow rules based on the order value, the number of SKU’s, and shipping costs.
  • The rules are specified to a range of multiple approvers assigned to a variety or specific range of roles.
  • These built-in notifications improve the order and approval speed process
  • Merchants can offer this tool to all existing and new customers.
  • Permission to view purchase orders

To access the approval rules for your company, click Approval Rules in the left panel for your customer account.

About the author

Caylen Ho Chung

Caylen is our Magento stock/product specialist.

He spends some of his after-hours time learning more about Magento, which he loves!